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filmmaking frenzy 2018 finalist

Selected Editing Samples

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About Me

Legend has it, the first film I ever saw in a theater at the ripe age of one was Return of the Jedi. Here was an entire crew of people whose profession was to play pretend as space knights and galactic princesses, create spectacular creatures, and choreograph duels with laser swords. With that as my first movie-going experience, how could I NOT want to make things like that for the rest of my life?

Thus began my love affair with tales of the fantastic and emotionally gripping storytelling. I made play sets out of cardboard boxes and packaging tape in elementary school. Got my hands on a video camera in middle school. Taught myself Adobe Premiere in high school. Worked PA jobs every summer during college. And by the time I graduated, I rocketed out of the gate, ready to create new fantastic tales for audiences everywhere.

Now I’m an editor, and a post professional in general. I've worked on critically acclaimed features, television, and shorts for networks, studios, and organizations including AMC, VICE Media, the NFL, Discovery, A&E, MTV, the BBC, and more. I get hired because I'm passionate about my work, technically savvy, and cool under pressure when handling the stresses of the job. That I now get to tell my own stories for a living, or share in the telling of others’ stories, has made that impressionable one-year-old's dream come true.

Finding common ground. Communicating with each other. Crafting entertainment that's fun to make AND watch. These are the things that drive me, and I hope I get to do them with you. So let's make a thing together!


Oh, and if you'd like to work with me on something involving space pirates, monsters, retro gaming, puppets, and/or irreverent cartoons, please excuse my overuse of exclamation points in advance.

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